More on the piece Joy, experimenting with an Irish Slide rhythm...

The saga continues! I was challenged by this same musican/performer to notate my piece as a Slide, in 12/8 with equal subdivisions of 3,3,3,3.  So I googled what Irish Slide means, and listened to some examples. I've played a fair amount of Irish fiddle music, but I don't think I'd ever played a slide before, so the research was illuminating.

Next I took my piece Joy and re-wrote it as a slide, although I'm not following the form as strictly as I should. 

Here's what the first 2 measures look like:


 After playing it through, I do think it has a cute feel to it, and it rips right along, which is one of the points of a Slide, from what I can tell!

However, it is a very different piece now, compared to my original Joy.

Fun experiment!


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