The Deep and the Greens

On Friday I sent off the much-improved score of The Deep to Cayenna for her feedback and comments, after making sure that no "bare" notes remained...  dynamic levels EVERYWHERE, lots of dots and dashes and crescendos and decrescendos, and I'm happy to say that she is pleased with it! "This has really developed!! I think the orchestra will enjoy playing this a lot." were the first words in the email.  Yay!  I worked up to this by first sending the score and an mp3 of my computer playing it, to my sister Alice, who is also a composer, and she was very enthusiastic about it, so that built up my confidence...  and I have to say that Cayenna continues to be for me a fantastic collaborator in bringing my music to life in performance.  What a gift she has, and how blessed we are in this community for all her efforts! 

And now today has been filled with washing and chopping up greens for 2 big salads, and chopping and cooking kale & swiss chard stalks without the leaves, celery, and garlic scapes for soup.  Now we're eating the creamy green soup which I blended with some cashews and a couple of dates and some added water.  When I reheated it I added in some baby bokchoy, yum!

Bear and I are into eating lots of veggies, basically transitioning to fully following Dr. Fuhrman's Eat To Live plan, check it out here.

The idea is that since veggies (especially colorful ones and dark green ones) are so full of nutrients, we should really be eating primarily veggies and fruits in order to get the full complement of almost all the needed vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, & carbs.  So he recommends eating 1 lb of raw veggies (mostly greens) and 1 lb of steamed veggies (mostly greens) per day.  Did you know that 100 calories of broccoli has about twice as much protein as 100 calories of beef?  There is one vitamin you need to take if you eliminate animal products completely:  B12.  So bit by bit we're doing it - we are becoming "Nutritarians".   It feels tremendously good and life and health-affirming!

Eat a carrot on me!


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